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All on 4 Dental Implants – Your Questions, Answered

All on 4 Dental Implants – Your Questions, Answered

When your whole upper or lower jaw is weakened or the respective teeth are missing, you will have multiple options for treatment. Full or Partial Dentures, Multiple Teeth Replacement, Implants Overdentures, and All-On-Six Dental Implants are some of the reliable Treatment choices for different age groups.

Now, you must be wondering, “What is all on 4 dental implants” exactly? Here, the dentist uses 4 implants to withhold all of the lower and upper artificial teeth. All-on-four implants support all of the teeth because they are tilted around a 45-degree angle towards the region of the mouth that has the highest bone density.

Why? Because to implant a titanium screw into the bone, there has to be enough density that can support and let the implant diffuse properly. However, there are many Pros and cons of all on 4 dental implants. Read On!

What are The Benefits of All on Four Dental Implants?

As compared to its alternatives, there are hundreds of potential benefits of all on 4 dental implant treatments. Some of those pros are given below:

One Day Treatment

In Dentistry, the whole procedure is also called “One Day Teeth Implant”, because the base procedures, including Bone Grafting, Root Canals, and Implants insertion can be completed within 4 – 5 hours. After that, a temporary tooth will be attached on top of all on four implants. You can go back to your normal life after that.

After a few weeks, when the titanium screw has completely diffused into the bone, you will get another appointment with the same dentist. Then, the temporary teeth will be replaced with a crown, another artificial tooth that is much healthier and stronger.

No Long Term Dietary Restriction

While you have to avoid chewy, stiff, or crunchy food for a couple of weeks, you can get back to the normal routine soon enough. You will get strong and healthy teeth, which can chew even better than the natural ones.

Looks Just like Natural Teeth

The crown looks and feels just like your natural teeth. The dentists make it according to the previous tooth size, colours, and shapes. They can even improve all the factors to get better aesthetic results. You will need a week maximum to adjust to their size, shape, and chewing power.

Only Require Regular Oral Care

If you have a habit of regularly brushing at least twice a day, and flossing once a day, then your all on 4 dental implants and teeth will last for more than 15 years. This care will save you from different hazards that may appear if you don’t implement the care routine. Some of those hazards are Dental Implants Repairing, Plaque and Tartar Formation etc. 

Long Term Solution for Missing Teeth

If you have multiple teeth missing in your lower or upper jaws, All four will provide the best solution that can last for more than 15 years. According to a study, some patients’ implants lasted around 15 – 18 years.

The average lifespan of a single implant and artificial teeth is around 12 – 15 years. When the whole treatment is backed with all on 4 dental implants (in this case, four) and teeth supporting each other, the life can increase further. 

Are There Any Disadvantages of All on Four Dental Implants?

Just like the benefits, every dental treatment has some drawbacks and side effects. Some of the drawbacks of All-on-4 dental implants are given below:

Will Be Difficult to Speak For a Few Weeks

  • After the surgery in the first appointment, some patients reported that they had difficulties in speaking different words like D, or A. This will eventually go away in a week or so, but it is a drawback.
  • This is because of the airflow between the gums. This will get better with time, and you can consult with your dental hygienist for better suggestions. 
  • Requires A Surgery for Treatment
  • Some patients may feel uncomfortable because of the surgery process, as they are afraid of the pain. While there is some local anaesthesia given for pain relief and sedation for relaxation, some patients still feel anxious. 
  • Jaw Bone can Reject the All on Four Implants
  • Sometimes, the jawbone does not let all on 4 dental implants to diffuse within and there can be several reasons behind it. This can be something related to the all-on-4 dental implants treatment procedure, or anything else. Although the chances are near to zero, this is a drawback.

All on 4 implants Costs Way more than Single Implants

The average cost of all-on-four implants ranges from $24,000 and could go over $28,000, making it highly difficult to afford. While the overall durability and longevity is nothing compared to all on 4 dental implants cost, it’s not possible for some patients to spend too much on this treatment, even as a one-time investment. Still, Smile Center is the cheapest place to get all-on-4 dental implants.

Some Insurance May not Cover This

As the whole procedure falls under cosmetic dentistry and treatment, it’s highly likely that your insurance plan will not cover this.

What is The Treatment Procedure of All-on-Four Dental Implants?

Before any dental treatment, your dentist will conduct a deep examination mouth, through 3D X Rays, Digital X-rays, or other technologies. This will allow them to get a better and clearer understanding of your oral condition. Here is a all-on-4 dental implants step-by-step procedure:

  • A prototype model of your present teeth, or how they used to look will be made and shown to you. Your dentist can amend the shape, colour, or sizes as you like.
  • Then, your mouth will be numb with local anaesthesia and sedatives for a painless procedure.
  • The dentist will make a small cut into your gums to insert all on 4 implants.
  • After that, they will place a temporary tooth on the implant and wait for jawbones to completely diffuse, and heal the wound.
  • After 4 – 6 months, you will get the original artificial teeth and your procedure will be done.
  • After the treatment is completed, your dentist will also teach you how to clean all on 4 dental implants. This only requires regular bruising, flossing, and using a mouthwash.

How to Clean All on 4 Dental Implants?

Follow Post-Procedure Instructions

If you’ve recently had an implant surgery, follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions carefully. This may include restrictions on physical activity, dietary restrictions, and medication schedules.

Oral Hygiene

Brush your teeth, including the implant-supported crown or prosthesis, twice a day with a soft-bristle toothbrush. Use a non-abrasive toothpaste. Floss daily to remove food particles and plaque from between teeth and around the implant. You can use floss or interdental brushes.


Regularly examine your breasts for any changes or abnormalities. If you notice any issues such as changes in size, shape, or discomfort, consult your plastic surgeon.

Avoid Smoking and Excessive Alcohol

Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can negatively impact the healing process and the longevity of all on 4 implants. It’s best to quit smoking altogether if you’re a smoker.

Also ReadDifference between Dental Bridge vs Dental Implants Here


Keep in mind that no medical treatment is a perfect technique to cure something. It will have some drawbacks or even side effects. Still, All-on-Four Dental Implants cover more benefits, a perfect blend of cost-effectiveness and durability.

By following our recommended care routine, you can achieve the best possible results.

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