Teen Dentistry
Dental Treatment for Teens in Connecticut
Terryville & Bristol CT's Best Dental Services for Teens
Teenagers are also vulnerable to tooth decay and other oral health issues, which is why regular dental check-ups are important. Number of changes appearing each month can make it frustrating for parents and children to make their next dental appointment. With years of experience in the industry, we understand these problems better than anyone. That is why, we try to communicate with your children the way they can understand and respect our prescription. Teenagers need treatments for different problems like teeth straightening, cleaning and prevention, and cosmetic dentistry. We offer all of these dental treatment plans in CT. Our customized approach in dealing with every teen involves listening to their problems and explaining the solution through our visual presentation.
Teen Dentistry VS Children Dentistry
There are no huge differences between children and teen dentistry except one. For kids, we are only focused on the development of front teeth, while for teens, we conduct X-Rays to check the growth of jaws.
Home Care for Teenagers
- To make sure your children get the best teeth, follow the following guidelines:
- Make sure you set a limit for drinks and sodas consumption. Define a proper limit for sweets and sugary beverages.
- Make sure they brush their teeth twice a day, and floss one time a day. This will ensure that every bit of food particles do not remain stuck in their teeth.
- Use fluoride toothpaste and dentists’ recommended toothbrushes. Only use a pea-size drop of the toothpaste.
- Make sure they do not eat anything about 30 minutes before going to bed.

A Warm Welcome to Your Teen's Dental Appointment
A visit to the dentist during the teenage years resembles a regular dental checkup, but it takes into account the specific needs of teenagers. For instance, we may take X-rays more frequently to carefully monitor the growth of your teeth and jaw, ensuring everything is on track. Additionally, we often apply sealants to the back molars to shield them from potential cavities, keeping your smile healthy and vibrant.
Why Is Teen Dentistry Important?
- Most of the teenagers do not grow all of their teeth at an early teen age, that is why their dental care is important to make sure they grow strong and well aligned teeth.
- Improved Appearance: Teenagers can be really self-conscious about their appearance, especially their smiles. If their teeth are crowded and misaligned, they can lose the confidence that they need at their age.
- Easy Cleaning: Well aligned teeth are relatively easy to clean and maintain. Overcrowding in teeth can cause food particles which will convert into bacterias, infection, and gum diseases if not taken care of properly.
- Strong Chewing and Biting Power: Teen dentistry will keep the gum and the roots of teeth strong and healthy. This will enhance their chewing and biting power promptly, making them enjoy every bit of their food.
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- Our staff will review your information.
- We will contact you as soon as possible.
- We will help you to schedule an appointment.